Sunday, 2 August 2015

Never judge a book....

Oh and so I forgot to mention, Colette and Ang - my tutors from my degree asked me to come back and be a judge for this years degree show!

I jumped at this wonderful opportunity, the support and guidance from those two will always remember and it has even inspired me to become a lecture in later life.

There was some brilliant ideas and as I was a judging the Foundation degree students, it was difficult in some aspects to finalise a winner. The narratives, rationales and executions of some of the designs were fantastic (pics to follow) and I will admit I did grill the students more heavily then some of the other judges! Sorry guys, but as I have learnt you must always have a rationale for any decision, particularly in business

I met some of the other judges too and it was nice to have the shoe on the other foot as I have been grilled by a judge before!!

So what have I been upto?

Hi Guys!

Long time no speak!

Things have been really hectic since I finished my degree. With working full time in Chester and managing a small family its has been maniac!

However although I haven't updated my blog in while, I have been keeping a close eye on what's happening in the design world.

Since I am employed within a small marketing department, I have also developed a passion for all things marketing too - Content, info-graphics, data reports and retention!

So lets see whats been happening within the world of design that interested little old me!

Diet Coke & J W Anderson

So I know a bit about J W Anderson as a fellow graduate was a fan of his and based her final honours project on his brand. So once i heard about this unusual collaboration I have to have a look

JW Anderson wanted a challenge and by collaborating with Diet coke this enable him to further his style. This is also part of Diet Coke's campaign 'Regret nothing', which aims to inspire and empower people to embrace their impulsive sides!

Have to say I am loving the abstract pixel design, which is inspired by Anderson's knitwear collection of which he is most famous for.

Marketing week - 'Don't quit, do it'

As being part of a marketing team for a leisure provider, it is important to keep upto date of current and forth coming marketing campaigns within the health & fitness industry.

I came across an article in marketing week, highlighting the forth coming campaign entitled 'Don't quit, do it!'

This campaign is to highlight and encourage people who are recovering from serious injuries or other traumas to carry on and use sport as part of their rehabilitation.

With the recent success of the para-olympics and Invictus Games games, it is important that further awareness is made and to keep the audience interested.  I also found this fascinating article on the response to the para-olympics being screened on channel 4. I love the narrative 'freak of nature' as the producer has not only use this in a negative context but also have turned this saying on its head and also used this within a positive one too - 'they have super powers'.

That's all for tonight guys!! I will try and keep you posted on my findings each week!!

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