Monday, 16 September 2013

First online blog..

“Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.”
And so I begin my online blog….
Having passed my Foundation Degree with a Distinction, my aim is now to pass BA with a first! Think Positive and this can be achieved!..

FdA Graduation - July 2013
Already I am looking for graduate schemes to apply for and jobs / careers paths I may want to embark upon once my university course has finished.
My initial thoughts are those of a buyer / merchandiser and within a successful company that I can proceed throughout, however I am not giving up upon my dream of becoming a designer either!
First day back today and it wasn’t as painful as I imagined, a 1,500 word assignment for next monday! ekk but Im being positive and I know I CAN DO this!!
I have already thought about my industry module and started the ball rolling…Thanks to my lovely friend who recommend a few websites to me to look at  so here goes.. JD Williams, Next, and an application through Graduate jobs for Rayware have started this module off.
My aim is to search and apply for at least 3 jobs a week and If I can manage it and organise myself Im going to try and obtain a placement within the industry!! fingers crossed!!

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